Charges based on time, cost of supplies, and complexity of procedures.
New Patient Appointment $325-350
(Comprehensive history/exam/treatment plan)
Extra time fees may apply. Financial hardship discount available if approved
Follow Up Appointments
Level 1 – Very abbreviated visit with no procedure $150
Level 2 – Standard visit +/- simple procedure $175
(Large wounds or multiple wounds/procedures may warrant additional charge)
Level 3 – Standard visit with moderate procedures or more complex medical care $200
(Large wounds or multiple wounds/procedures may warrant additional charge)
Level 4 – Complex visit with advanced procedures Variable Price
(Based on wholesale cost of supplies/service fee/procedure fee)
Extra Time Fee $45/15 min
(Based on additional time for assessment/treatments/counseling/education/coordination of care)
Package Pricing for Follow Up Appointments
Discounted pricing for 4 and 8 visit packages based on estimated average visit charge
Hyperbaric Oxygen Evaluation with no wound $300
Hyperbaric Oxygen Evaluation with a wound $325-350
Scuba Diving Recreational Fitness Exam $300
Also available with approval:
Commercial Scuba Fitness Exams, Care Coordinated and Telemedicine Follow up Appointments
Additional fees for missed appointments/returned checks per clinic policies shared during first appointment